Reading inspiration
Looking for a good book? Maybe I can help!

Here are some of my favorite yoga books, and even non yoga books!
Mudras, yoga in your hands, Gertrud Hirschi
Great little book to learn about Mudras, a fantastic tool for yoga teachers.
The complete guide to Yin yoga, Bernie Clark
The Yin reference, complete and very well done.
Wheels of life, Anodea Judith
A classic to know more about chakras.
The untethered soul, Michael A. Singer
Classic concepts, simply and beautifully explained. This book gathers a LOT of wisdom.
The heart of yoga, T. K. V. Desikashar
A real classic from Krishnamacharya's son, the father of modern yoga.
Some simple concepts on yoga meaning and philosophy, pranayama, asanas.
The key muscles of yoga, Ray Long
For the anatomy nerd, this book (and the rest of the series) is a great tool, with a lot of illustrations
Meditations from the mat, Rolf Gates
My every night small paragraph of wisdom and inspiration.

The anatomy coloring book, for the extra nerdy yogi!
Current completely non yoga reading: Robin Hobb: The Realm of the Elderlings trilogies.
This one has me completely mesmerised!! My companion during train, plane (or waiting for a plane during 6 days), waiting rooms, evening reading. ​
If you read in french, the trilogy: Le puit des mémoires by Gabriel Katz is wonderful! ​